Understanding the Java Classpath

What is the role of the Java Classpath?

Conceptually, the Java classpath is a list of locations (in a file system) to be used by the Java tools in order to find the (compiled) code (.class and .jar files) of the user-defined classes and packages necessary for a given application.

Note: The locations of the code of the core Java classes (the fundamental classes required by the Java language or the libraries provided by the JRE/JDK installation) are not located via the classpath.

In particular, the classpath is used by:

How to configure the Classpath for your Java tools

Note: The examples here are focused on Linux/Unix systems. There are some (minor) differences in the case of Windows systems (but the concepts are similar).

The are two ways to configure the classpath via the command line in a shell:

Below, we will focus on the second way (command line argument), using javac as an example.

The classpath is defined as a list of paths separated by colons (:).

Let us consider the following example:

We want to compile Toto.java, which depends on four other classes:

Then we will use the following command line:

javac -cp /home/john:/home/john/stuff:/home/john/stuff/MyJar.jar Toto.java

Notice that we declare in the classpath:


Important additional details about the directory/package hierarchy

Typically, when compiling one or several classes, it is a good practice to use the -d option, in order to produce the .class files in a separate directory (distinct from the one that contains the source files).

Let us consider the following example :

We are currently in the /home/jane directory. We can create two subdirectories: src and build. And we can compile our file with the following command:

javac -d bin -cp /home/john:/home/john/stuff:/home/john/stuff/MyJar.jar src/Toto.java

Then, Toto.class will be found in /home/jane/build

And you can launch the execution of the application using the following command (we assume in this scenario that Toto is the class providing the main method):

java -cp /home/john:/home/john/stuff:/home/john/stuff/MyJar.jar:/home/jane/build Toto

The JVM will look for a file named Toto.class in all the locations specified in the classpath and will finally find it in /home/jane/build.

Important warning: the situation is a bit different if the class Toto belongs to a package.

For example, let us assume that the Toto.java file contains the following line: package org.mypackage;.

In that case, we use the same command as above for the compilation:

javac -d bin -cp /home/john:/home/john/stuff:/home/john/stuff/MyJar.jar src/Toto.java

But the produced file will be placed in a slightly different location (the subdirectories will be automatically created if necessary): /home/jane/build/org/mypackage

And we must also slightly modify the command to launch the execution of the application:

java -cp /home/john:/home/john/stuff:/home/john/stuff/MyJar.jar:/home/jane/build org.mypackage.Toto

Notice the following points: